Happy Memorial Day, and the stolen valor of the finger-wagger
Happy Memorial Day.
If that phrase bothers you, you are reading offense where none is intended or exists. But while I have you here, can I ask you to step down from your high horse?
Every year, Memorial Day brings Very Serious instruction from our betters on how we are to carry ourselves. The picture above is common to the genre. Another is the tutorial on the difference between Memorial Day, which honors those who fought and died, and Veterans Day, which honors all who fought. Thanks, guys.
This is the stolen valor of the finger-wagger. In telling the rest of us what’s appropriate, they act as if they’re speaking on the behalf of the people who died defending America. They’re not. Not even close.
If the men who died defending America are like the men who survived, they’d want us to enjoy the freedom. On Monday it extends to freedom from work, or time-and-a-half for those who do work. Both are cause for celebration.
Think about the reason for the season. Think about the thoughtlessness of war, and what you’ll do when your betters beat the drums next time around. Will you dance to the tune?
If solemnity, and only that, were the point of Memorial Day, the people correcting us would be so busy atoning they’d have no time to notice the faux pas.
The point of freedom is, we honor Memorial Day however we choose. Not however you choose.
You didn’t give the ultimate sacrifice and are in no position to speak for those who did.
Stripped of that high ground, you’re just another person online with an opinion.
Happy Memorial Day.